Learning Center

Don't know where to start? Here you'll find some of the content organized in topics as well as curated links to additional resources for learning Swedish.


Includes the three official dictionaries from Svenska Akademien (the Swedish Academy) including SAOL, SO, and SAOB. If you need to know if a noun is "en" or "ett", or you need to know how to conjugate a verb, go here for a reliable answer.


If a word isn't found on svenska.se, it might be too dialectal, too colloquial, or just not established enough. In that case, you might find it on Wiktionary instead.


Korp is a collection of texts for linguistic research. For you as a learner, it's a fun way to find how frequent a word is and the context in which it's used. It's perfect for answering the eternal question which preposition goes with a verb.

Nyheter på lätt svenska (TV)

News in simple Swedish from SVT, the Swedish national public television broadcaster.

Nyheter på lätt svenska (Radio)

News in simple Swedish from SR, the Swedish national public radio broadcaster.


Here you can read news in simple Swedish. The website is state owned and curated by the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media.

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